Accurately measure your greenhouse gas emissions.
Greenhouse Gas Quantification

Climate Change: Greenhouse Gas Quantification

We offer comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) quantification services and provide transparent, accurate data that reflects the amount of anthropogenic GHGs emitted.

Download an overview of our ESG and GHG Services here.

Greenhouse gas quantification (image of woman pointing to graph on computer monitor)

Our greenhouse gas quantification services include:

  • Project GHG reductions quantifications and validation
  • Electric Vehicle (EV) quantification
  • GHG benchmarking, monitoring, verification, and mitigation
  • Marketing of GHG offsets and RECs
  • SDTC environmental impact quantification

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Advise on GHG emissions reduction strategy through displacement of grid electricity with renewable, wind-powered electricity generation. Provide annual GHG quantification services.



Provide annual GHG quantification services and advise on offset project to generate carbon credits and other GHG reporting requirements.

Contact us today to learn more about our GHG services.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction (GHR) FAQ

Greenhouse gasses, or GHG as it is sometimes shortened, is a term that includes all of the airborne chemicals within the atmosphere of our earth and that prevents heat from escaping into space.

Many things can contribute to greenhouse gasses, including the burning of fossil fuels and the use of fluoride gasses, as well as deforestation, too. As can be guessed from this definition, greenhouse gases are not a good thing, and we do want to reduce our greenhouse gas output when possible.

This is why many companies and industries have a greenhouse gas reduction plan. GHG reduction can be achieved in a few different ways, such as making power on site, and then using this power, with the help of renewable resources— rather than the non-renewable resources that create greenhouse gas concentrations.

These renewable power sources can then replace the coal and other fossil fuels that a company or industry uses in order to reduce their carbon footprint and the number of greenhouse gasses they are releasing into the air. Greenhouse gas reduction is crucial to slowing climate change.

GHG is an acronym for greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are airborne chemicals that are located in the earth’s atmosphere and prevent heat from then escaping into space.

We contribute to global greenhouse gas emissions by burning fossil fuels, using fluoride gasses, and chopping down forests, too. Greenhouse gases then contribute to global warming because they do not let the heat escape the atmosphere and travel into space— so instead, the heat is trapped here on Earth and in the atmosphere. This increases the global average temperature and impacts the health of the environment and us humans, too. The resulting phenomenon is known as the Greenhouse Effect. 

There are different kinds of GHGs or greenhouse gases. Any gas that absorbs and emits infrared radiation in the same wavelength range that is emitted by the earth.

The most abundant greenhouse gas is water vapour.

Then, there are regulated GHGs like methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrous oxide (N2O), as well as fluorinated gasses. The primary greenhouse gasses that are emitted are carbon dioxide, accounting for about 79-80% of greenhouse gasses, methane at 10-16%, nitrous oxide at 5-7%, and then fluorinated gasses at about 2-3%.

Luckily, there are many things that can be done in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, even on the individual level. One of the most effective of these ways is to change your energy source.

This can be done in the home, or at work with larger companies or even small businesses. The larger the company, the more of an effect this will have!

Instead of using fossil fuels as a power source, you can switch to renewable energy, such as solar or wind power, to power operations. This will reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. 

Besides switching to clean or renewable energy, there are also some smaller ways that you can work at reducing your carbon footprint, especially on the individual level.

One way is to reduce air travel or avoid flying on private planes. This can be a personal choice, as well as one implemented on a business level, depending upon the industry in which you work.

A third way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to get an energy audit for your home or your business. This can help to ensure that you are using energy in a smart way and you can then make informed changes to your operations to cut down on emissions.

There are a number of gases that are considered greenhouse or (GHG). The most famous is carbon dioxide, and carbon dioxide emissions, mostly coming from fossil fuels.

Other GHGs include methane, nitrous oxide, hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs – typically also from fossil fuels) and ozone.

About Solas Energy

Solas Energy provides comprehensive strategy and consulting services to support the energy transition. With multiple decades of experience in project development, construction management, and climate change advisory, Solas Energy provides its clients with the depth and perspective required to navigate the complex issues associated with renewable energy project development and climate change policy. 

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